Somah: Yoga Nidra Series

This Yoga Nidra series gives you 7 sequential Yoga Nidra practices that will guide you through each of the Yogic Koshas or layers of being.

Each practice is accompanied by a short introductory talk, beginning with understanding how to work effectively with intentions for powerful transformation. You will explore the healing techniques of Yoga Nidra across traditions from an embodied and trauma-informed perspective.

What to expect:

7 expertly designed and delivered Yoga Nidra practices from internationally acclaimed senior Yoga Teacher Simone MacKay.

With more than 25+ years in social and soul work, Simone's unique method of Yoga Nidra honours the indigenous roots of dreamtime and shamanic practices, the technology of ancient tantra validated by science and rooted in nature.

Each practice stands alone as well as weaving into the wider structure, which is perfect as we can guarantee that you will want to revisit them over and over again. Whether you are new to the practice or a seasoned meditator, this series is a complete treasure for your spiritual and wellbeing tool kit.

Here's a brief outline of the practices:

Sankalpa: Intention Setting

Sankalpa: Intention Setting

Talk: An introduction to the Koshas and Yoga Nidra.

Practice: An exquisite intention-setting practice to get clear on your deepest heart felt desires. You will also explore a powerful self resourcing technique of creating an Inner Sanctuary.

Annamaya Kosha: Body

Annamaya Kosha: Body

Embodiment, Nature & Felt-sense Awareness through grounding into the wisdom of the Earth.

Here we settle in with some movement and emphasise the exploration of sensation within the body.

Bonus practice:

Yoga Nidra to explore your own embodiment of Earth.

Pranamaya Kosha: Energy

Pranamaya Kosha: Energy

Finding your Flow –

Energy & Rhythm of Body, Breath & Spirit

Practice: Attune with sound vibration, then we focus on breath-sensing and awareness as a way to perceive and connect more deeply to the flows in our energy body.

Manomaya Kosha: Mind

Mindfulness, Thoughts & Emotions

Our focus within this practice is to learn to relate and deeply listen to the messages of our emotions and feelings.

Vijnanamaya Kosha: Wisdom

Vijnanamaya Kosha: Wisdom

Intuition, Deep Listening, Wisdom & Insight. A guided journey to the inner layers perceived as your wisdom body. Here we meet and work with your 'Tree of Wisdom', while first exploring sound, body and breath.

Anandamaya Kosha: Bliss

Anandamaya Kosha: Bliss

Space of the Soul –

Presence, True Knowing & Authenticity

Dropping into the Space of your Soul, profoundly anchored in non-doing, we align and maximise the power and efficacy of placing our Sankalpa and affirmations in the most subtle layer of our BEing.


Simone's Yoga Nidra has become a home for me, an anchor through times of transition as a way to calm my nervous system and as a reminder of my true nature, my shining light. The seeds that I’ve planted through my intention and practice are blossoming in ways I never would have thought imaginable.

— Margo, USA

Give yourself permission to rest and sign up now:

Yoga Nidra guided meditation practice

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation practice where you get to lie down and go on a journey from wakefulness into dreamtime, through deep restorative rest and beyond.

Translated as yogic sleep, this dreamy practice has been referred to as “mindfulness on steroids”. Studies have shown Yoga Nidra to have profound health and healing benefits.

One practice of Yoga Nidra is said to be equivalent to 3 hours of sleep.

Benefits of Yoga Nidra:

  • Alleviates depression, anxiety and PMS
  • Reduces burn out and chronic fatigue
  • Reduces insomnia and improves sleep quality
  • Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Decreases thoughts, stress and tension
  • Soothes the nervous system
  • Helps to heal trauma and emotional problems resulting from PTSD
  • Allows gentle processing of difficult emotions 
  • Improves focus and clarity for creativity and productivity
  • Accelerates healing and greater awareness of body-mind-spirit

Benefits of Yoga Nidra

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