Experience the Power & Potential of the Breath
Breathe to Achieve Clarity & Balance

We will begin exploring the art and science of breathing by looking at The Big Picture – the cosmic symbolism of breath and the microcosm that is expressed in every breath we take.

We’ll then consider the physical, mental, emotional and energetic aspects of breathing, drawing on some of the traditional teachings (including yoga & pranayama) with an emphasis on immediately applicable, practical and relevant ways to practice in your day-to- day life and within your moment-to-moment experience.

Each module a series of short videos, a variety of guided breath exercises and meditations, and documents containing helpful, foundational reference material for further study. 

“We can live for weeks without food and for days without water, but only a few minutes without breath; thus, Breath is Life, and Life is Breath. To the degree we breathe well, we live fully.”

– Troy McFadden

Module 1

Your body is a miniature universe, and that the universe, in turn, functions as a giant body.

What is here is everywhere; what is not here is nowhere.

– Tantric adage 

Module 2

With the proper intention, we can breathe in and breathe out fully and completely now, in the next moment that arises, and then the next, and the next, meeting life as it is, flowing and harmonizing with our surroundings and within ourselves. 

Module 3

To change the way you feel, change the way you breathe.

What do you want life to be?

What does it have the potential to be?

Breathe that way, now. 

Module 4

Still your breath,

Still your body,

Still your mind, and

Free your soul.

Program Highlights 

Foundational Techniques:
o Introduction to foundational breathing techniques.
o Techniques build progressively throughout the course.

Practice-Oriented Approach:
o Emphasis on practice and personal experience over theoretical knowledge.
o Encouragement to integrate breath awareness into daily life.

Comprehensive Understanding of Breath:
o Exploration of breathing from physical, mental, emotional, and energetic perspectives.
o Incorporation of traditional teachings, notably yoga, for practical day-to-day application.

Big Picture Perspective:
o Introduction to the concept of the body as a microcosm of the universe.
o Exploration of ancient cosmologies and the relationship between breath and universal forces. 


 Enhanced Well-Being:
 o Reduced stress and increased relaxation.
 o Improved energy levels and mental clarity.
 o Enhanced emotional regulation and resilience.

Holistic Health:
o Improved physical health through better oxygenation and detoxification. 
o Strengthened postural muscles and improved alignment.
o Regulation of the nervous system and balanced physiological responses. 

Emotional and Mental Balance:
o Increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
o Ability to shift emotional states through conscious breathing techniques.
o Greater presence and mindfulness in daily life. 

Spiritual Connection:
o Deeper sense of connection to the universe and the natural world. 
o Enhanced sense of purpose and alignment with life’s rhythms.
o Opportunities for personal growth and transformation. 

Practical Tools:
o Accessible and practical techniques for integrating breath awareness. 
o Guided meditations and exercises for various breathing practices.
o Tools for self-regulation and managing stress in real-time. 

Cultural Context:
o Broadened understanding of breath’s significance across cultures.
o Appreciation for the historical and spiritual dimensions of breath practices. 
o Insights into the interconnectedness of breath, life, and the universe. 

Ongoing Support:
o Continuous learning and support through module progression.
o Long-term benefits through regular practice and application of techniques.

Your Guide: Troy McFadden

Drawing on over 25 years in the field of natural health and wellness, Troy’s offerings are an expression and synthesis of diverse practices, modalities, and the wisdom gleaned from his journey along life’s unconventional paths.

Initially a myofascial therapist by trade, Troy birthed aspects of The Sanctuary Spa and Wellness Centre in Southern Thailand in the late 1990s, creating a haven for fasting and cleansing programs and other forms of self-care and healing that rejuvenate the body, mind and heart.

Immersing himself in meditation and nature-based practices over the years, Troy has been formally trained by Buddhist monks in Vipassana and Mahāyāna techniques and has been a devoted participant in two dozen silent retreats and Native American vision quests in the Americas, Southeast Asia and Nepal, each experience deepening his understanding of, and connection to, both soul and spirit. 

An E-RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance, Troy’s passion for sharing the transformative power of yoga and related arts led to owning and operating two yoga studios and co-founding the School of Sacred Arts, offering advanced workshops and teacher trainings around the world.

A PCC (Professional Certified Coach) with the International Coaching Federation, Troy has 10 years of business and executive coaching experience with the Asian Leadership Institute. Combined with his skills as a certified Somatic Integration Practitioner and the aforementioned knowledge and experience, Troy embodies a holistic approach to personal growth and evolution.

His life a celebration of exploration, adventure and creativity, Troy’s interests include solo wilderness excursions, travel, songwriting, the communal spirit and freedom of Ecstatic Dance and a deep honoring of indigenous cultures. 


“I strongly recommend Troy as a partner and fellow traveler, wherever your particular journey takes you. His energy immediately brings you into the right vibration and mindset.”

- M.K.

“The gentle way Troy holds space and offers his wisdom is what I really appreciated and that I still value and recall. He continues to inspire me to grow and evolve.”

– L.S.

At the helm of Wisdom Warrior Coaching, Troy offers mindfulness mentoring, personal development and spiritual guidance. All of his 1:1 and group sessions as well as his teaching engagements are infused with warmth, compassion, honesty and humor, along with an invitation to discover one’s own unique path to wisdom and well-being.

Connect with Troy


[email protected]


WhatsApp: +1-415-995-4755

Example Curriculum

  Module 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4
Available in days
days after you enroll

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